create-mailto.js ignore test

This page tests create-mailto.js on different HTML fragments. The table below contains one example per row. The first column shows a code fragment that could be modified to include a mailto: link, but each fragment includes a class name that tells create-mailto.js to ignore it. The second column shows your browser's rendering of that fragment after create-mailto.js has processed the document.

The test passes if table contains no <a href="mailto:"> links.

HTML code fragment browser rendering
inline element with single class name and one child text node
<span class="ignore-create-mailto email"></span>
block element with two class names and one child text node
<p class="ignore-create-mailto email foo"></p>
inline element with itemprop attribute
<b class="ignore-create-mailto" itemprop="email"></b>
inline element with itemprop attribute
<span itemprop="email foo"></span>
inline element with data-email attribute
<em class="ignore-create-mailto" data-email="">email me</em>
email me
inline elements with 2 class names
<span class="ignore-create-mailto email foo"><i>username</i></span>
block element with itemprop attribute and a child inline element
<p class="ignore-create-mailto" itemprop="email foo"><i>username</i></p>

block element with data-email attribute and a child inline element
<div class="ignore-create-mailto" data-email="">
    <em>email</em> me
email me
image with data-email attribute
<img class="ignore-create-mailto" data-email="" ... >
blockquote with data-email attribute and child paragraph element
<blockquote class="ignore-create-mailto" data-email="">
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet....</p>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet....

svg element with class attribute
<svg class="ignore-create-mailto email">